The Tigers and the Cats

Tigers were created very much later, and when the first tiger cub was born, he was helpless as he could not hunt or fend for himself. When the world was made, cats roamed the earth for thousands of years.  Weak with hunger, the tiger cub begged the cat to teach him the life skills to survive in the world.
Taking pity on the tiger, the cat agreed to teach him how to hunt and evade detection. Everyday the cat would teach the tiger how to stalk the prey, lie in the downwind and conceal his outline. The tiger was a fast learner, and soon he became as good as his teacher. Other animals called him the lord of the jungle, and he was mightily pleased.

One day, the tiger thought to himself "why should I continue to listen to the cat when I'm the lord of the jungle? I've no more use for him, and I should eat him as a reward for my immense skills!" The tiger found the cat lazing by the edge of the forest, and he pounced towards the cat in a mighty leap!

The cat raced out of the tiger's reach and made a beeline for the trees and scrambled up to the branches. The tiger screeched to a halt at the bottom of the tree and glared at the cat, "you didn't teach me about climbing trees!" he growled at the cat.