5 ways we can save our tigers

Majestic, fierce, mystical, these are all words we can use to describe tigers. This wonderful animal means different things to different people, but the one thing we cannot disagree on is that tigers are in real danger of extinction unless we can do something to halt the decline in their numbers.

Here are 5 ways we can help save our tigers; some we can do every day, others need us to come together and campaign to the authorities.

Create awareness of the plight of the tiger – Tigers cannot speak up for themselves but we can speak for them. Make posters, organise tiger themed events, chat to your family and friends and anything else you can think of to spread the word about how endangered tigers really are.

Help end poaching – The trade in tiger skin and body parts is not only illegal but it is having a devastating impact on tiger numbers. We can help prevent this barbaric trade by avoiding products derived from tigers and reporting any such products to local authorities.

Severe punishment for poachers – More and more countries are punishing poachers but more is still needed to really deter people from engaging in tiger poaching. Through campaigning we can encourage authorities to hand down harsher sentences to convicted poachers.

Protect tiger habitat – One of the main factors in the decline of the tiger is habitat destruction. Through education and campaigning we can help promote sustainable working practices to ensure we harness the full potential of the forests while also ensuring tigers and their prey animals are free to enjoy as large a range as possible.

Support Tiger conservation organisations – Many zoos and wildlife charities work tirelessly to conserve tigers, but they cannot do it without our help. Schemes such as the tiger adoption scheme provide a way for us to donate money to an excellent cause while receiving a fantastic gift pack in return. This gift pack can help you create awareness among your family and friends or be given as a wonderful gift to a loved one.