Wild tigers on four continents: the key of future

2 millions years ago, a family of faintly striped chinese "cave" lions plunged inside swampy vegetation of Yellow River basin, probably to escape from other clans'competition.

Several generations later, tigers were born from this event. From their refuge, they could expand afterwards to the North beyond parallel 70th and to the South up to Borneo. At the end of the Pleistocene, their distribution went even to west, up to Oriental Europa. Protected during historical times by influence of indian culture throughout southern Asia, tigers have then submitted the tremendous collapsus of modernity. Audacious rewilding programs of captive tigers in prepared areas could offer a strongly securized future for the biggest and most beautiful cats in the world.

America (particularly USA) and Europa might have major roles and responsibilities in this action, as they have all means to actually build an efficient protection for tigers worldwide, their own territories included.